Mellow Mummy: Starting School : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 15 September 2016

Starting School

It feels like just yesterday that I was sharing the news of my pregnancy here on the blog and yet all of a sudden we are here already - Holly's first day at school.

This morning Holly started foundation at the same school as her big sister.  For us this is a big moment. Not just because our youngest is now at school. Not just because it means the end of nursery fees. Not just because it means only one set of journeys in the morning and evening. But because there are lots of changes this September. Not least, uniform.

There have been a lot of changes at Lara's school over the summer. Holly will probably never appreciate the change but for us there are some big differences.  The introduction of a uniform was a little controversial but Lara seems to have accepted it gracefully and Holly thinks it is fantastic.  The other change is that children now have to call their teachers Mr/Mrs and use their surname when previously they always used the first name. This is proving very hard to people (not least the teachers) to get used to!

Anyway, the first morning at school went well and Holly is looking forward to tomorrow. It is fantastic to see her settle and I'm sure she will be making new friends and whirling through the classroom before we know it.
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