Finally, after many weeks of morning sickness and a Christmas with an (almost) zero alcohol intake, I finally re-discovered my appetite... mind you, I still only ever fancied curry to eat. I decided to be realistic and cancel my gym membership this month!
After the excitement of the 20-week scan, Myself and Mr. B. spent a week in the wilds of Cornwall for our last holiday as a couple. The weather was freezing, it was almost deserted... but absolutely perfect.

This month I offcially delivered the biggest project of my professional life. Phew. Myself and Mr. B. celebrated our 1st anniversary with a night in London and dinner at Benares, satisfying my curry cravings. This month we started our NCT classes and met the lovely mummies (and daddies) who would share our journey into parenthood.
This month Mr. B. and I embarked on a mission to do all of the things we had been meaning to do and which we were unlikely to be able to do once the baby had arrived. Among other things, we went to see a musical, had dinner at one of our favourite restaurants in London and I went for a pampering day at Nirvana Spa with my Mum.
At the very end of May I finished work and became a temporary housewife! I paid people to clean my house from top to bottom (the nesting instinct only partially kicked in!), I got my teeth checked out, my eyes checked out, had my very last facial, massage, manicure and pedicure and spent most of my time waddling too and from midwife appointments.
On the 18th of June (8 days late and after a labour that took 33 hours from start to finish) baby Lara was dragged (literally) into the world! Despite the exhaustion and the physical damage to my body, life was now perfect.

Mr. B. went back to work and the constancy of motherhood hit home. My body was still not recovered and I felt pants. This month I turned 30. Joy. It wasn't much of a celebration – my Mum and my Sister cooked me macaroni cheese!
Life was slowly returning to normal but even after the much talked about 6-week hurdle, I was still struggling to recover. Only now was I able to venture out and about. At the end of the month, we threw Lara a naming party and invited all her immediate relatives.
This month we took Lara on her first continental trip. We flew to Nice and spent a week with Nanny and Grandad B. in a villa overlooking the Med. Lara tried to chat up french waiters and chilled out by the pool; she even took a quick dip. We ate great food, drank great wine (perhaps a little less than normal!) and generally mellowed.

This month Lara started her first swimming lessons and also Music With Mummy. Only now did my body finally recover from the stresses of childbirth. Myself and Mr. B. took the opportunity to update our wills to include Lara.
I finally sorted out my childcare for my return to work. I completed a few of my 'Keeping In Touch' days and committed to return in January 2010. This month, the Mellow Mummy blog was born.
This was our first Christmas with Lara. We took a short family break to Center Parcs where we all enjoyed the magic of Christmas. Lara had great fun opening all of her presents on Christmas day; they are still covering the living room floor.