Mellow Mummy: My Own Fairy Door : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 23 June 2015

My Own Fairy Door

Every once in a while, you need a little bit of magic that you can work as a parent.  Fairies.  Perhaps not every parent's solution to bad behaviour but for us, the idea of a Christmas fairy has worked very well in the run up to Christmas, in terms of encouraging good behaviour. Now, with a magical fairy door from My Own Fairy, Lara is enjoying fairy magic even in the summer!

A My Own Fairy Door is a little wooden, re-positionable door that your child can place around your home or garden to invite a fairy to come to stay.  The door comes in a special presentation box with a tiny fairy door key and a bottle of fairy dust.  On the first night, Lara placed her door at the base of our tree mural in the living room and added a few tiny stepping stones leading up to the door.

We went away for the weekend and, lo and behold, upon our return, the key had disappeared...meaning a fairy had moved in.  Lara was flabberghasted.

Once your fairy has moved in, you can register them on and assign them a name.  Lara chose "Diamond".  Once registered, you can download a certificate to prove that they live in your home.  Lara filled in her part of the certificate and then wrote a very polite letter to Diamond to ask her to sign her part of the deal!  As well as the certificate, there are colouring sheets and dot-to-dot puzzles that you can download on the myownfairy website.

The idea is that, every so often, the fairy can leave a note or a gift for your child, perhaps as a reward, or as an incentive.  And, when your child chooses to, they can move the door to a different part of the house to offer a little bit of variety.

Holly and Lara have totally bought into the magic of their fairy and I'm hoping that, with a few well-timed messages of support and encouragement, we can achieve great things together!

A My Own Fairy door costs around £19.99 and you can also purchase accessories such as wall stickers and stepping stones to accompany the door.

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