Mellow Mummy: Feeling Refresh'd with Robinsons : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 26 June 2017

Feeling Refresh'd with Robinsons

Last week was a proper scorcher but I'm not going to complain - I love summer. I love lazy evenings in the garden, I love eating family meals outside and I love being able to enjoy a nice drink with my girls.

Whenever us grown-ups share a bottle of wine or a cheeky beer in the garden, my girls like to share a special drink too. Their latest craze is the Robinsons new Refresh'd drinks which are a light and fruity treat, perfect for hot evenings or accompanying a barbecue.

Refresh'd comes in three different flavours; Apple & Kiwi, Raspberry & Apple and Organe & Lime.  My girls enjoy all of them but the Apple & Kiwi seems to have been a particular hit that they've asked me to go back and buy plenty more of (there's a good special offer in my local garage where I can get two 500ml bottles for £2).

Refresh'd is a natural spring water drink flavoured with fruit and sweetened with Stevia; the girls love them as a slightly more interesting alternative to water to keep them refreshed on hot summer's days.

Disclosure: Robinsons sent the girls a bottle of Refresh'd each so that we could try them out. We've since been back to buy several more. All thoughts expressed are our own.
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