Mellow Mummy: Cot, Bed or Bunkbeds? : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 27 June 2013

Cot, Bed or Bunkbeds?

We are back from a scrumptiously lovely week in the South of France.  We stayed in a small apartment overlooking the mediterranean; Lara stayed in a bunk bed which she found phenomenally exciting and poor old Holly was limited to her lumpy bumpy travel cot for for 10 nights in a row... the poor sausage.

Ready for bed on holiday... but soooo not sleepy!

Ever since we got back from holiday Holly has been a total nightmare in her cot.  She won't settle and she keeps standing up.  She reaches for anything she can possibly get hold of from her cot.  I've had to remove the baby monitor (she reached the power cable) and the lamp (she reached the cable) and tuck the window blind in.  And so now I'm thinking about moving Holly into a bed.  I know, it is incredibly early but Lara was only 16 months when I moved her... and Holly is now 14 months.

chocolate before bedtime = bedtime disaster
We only recently bough Lara her own full-sized wooden bed so I think that bunkbeds for the girls are out of the question.  And we've only recently bought a metal bed  as a guest bed for the shiny new fusion guest room / play room.  So really, I'm resistant to buying another bed right now and I'm tempted to see if Holly can last it out in her cot.

From the very day Holly was born I've been excited about the day that the two girls would move into a room together.  I have fond memories of sharing a room with my sister (and throwing things at her from the top bunk of our bunk beds) and I can't wait for my two girls to share.  I'm interested to know people's experiences of moving a younger sibling in with their older brother or sister.  Is it too young to move Holly in with Lara if the two of them will interfere with each other's bedtime routine? Will each other's presence disturb them at night? If Holly moves into a bed, will she get up and wake her sister up?

Disclosure: This is a featured post but it is my own words and I hope it is still fun to read!
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