Mellow Mummy: My Handy Hair Tips for Kids : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 23 August 2015

My Handy Hair Tips for Kids

I have no idea how I managed it, but I seem to have produced two girls with beautiful long blonde hair. As someone who herself has only ever managed a tangled mess of hair since she was about 5 years old, I'm not very confident in looking after Holly and Lara's luscious locks and, as they grow older they are increasingly asking me to produce them ever more complicated hairstyles.  Eeek!  I do have my coping mechanisms though...

...Vosene Kids asked me to share some of my own kids hair hacks for making the job of hair-management that little bit less stressful.  Both of my tips have been borne out of our weekly struggles at the swimming pool each week and the tears and chaos that would ensue after a shower.  One of my tips was only learned a few weeks ago from the woman who calmly prepares her 5 grandchildren for swimming lessons as I manically help Lara and Holly get changed.  Her one small recommendation has helped me regain some of my mellow mummy vibes!

Vosene Kids have also produced some videos starring Charlotte Hayward, a renowned movie stylist featuring her own kids hair hacks such as this dad-proof hairstyle for a special occasion.  Find more hair hacks on their Youtube channel.

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