Mellow Mummy: My 2016 New Year's Resolutions : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 12 January 2016

My 2016 New Year's Resolutions

It has become a bit of a tradition for me to post my new year's resolutions here on the blog.  Even if no-one else reads them, I have them set in stone so I can refer back to them later in the year to make sure that I am on track.  Last year I did pretty well sticking to them and this year I've had to think really hard about whether there is anything I really want to promise myself in 2016.

1. Run
I have a marathon booked in April.  I'm promising myself to hold onto my running mojo as long as I can!

2. Relax
In 2016 I resolved to stay happy.  In order to do that, I had to find a new job.  New job is hard (but rewarding) so this year I'm promising myself that I won't take anything too seriously.  Won't allow myself to get stressed (about work, or running, or blogging, or mummying or money etc.) and I WILL relax.

3. Say "No" less
I've no idea how I'm going to achieve this but I need to find a way to get less grumpy at the girls.   The two of them, when they're together, are always at each other's throats.  I need to find better ways to engage the two of them which don't result in shouting from all sides. Clever ideas appreciated.

Come on 2016.  I'm ready for you.
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