Mellow Mummy: #Lechuza Spring Planting Ideas : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 8 March 2016

#Lechuza Spring Planting Ideas

This weekend I was inundated with cards and gifts from my two gorgeous girls - they embraced the idea of Mother's Day very enthusiastically this year.  One of the things that Holly was particularly keen to do was to plant me some flowers rather than to buy cut was mightily handy that we had just become the proud owners of two brand new Lechuza self-watering planters.

The girls chose some spring flowers and spring bulbs from the supermarket and brought them home to make them look a bit more snazzy and give them a home!  They worked together as a team.

Lechuza's range of table-top planters are all self-watering and they work by wicking water up from a well at the bottom of the planter and then up through a fabric string into the base of your plant pot.  This means that you can fill the reservoir with water and, over the course of a few days or weeks, your plant will suck up water when it needs it.  You can see how far the water level has dropped using the handy little marker in the corner of the pot.

The girls planted up this decorative flower into a Lechuza Mini-Deltini planter. The Deltini and Mini-Deltini planters come in a massive range of different colours that would suit almost any home decor but we LOVE this fun owl design!  Perfect for the kids.  This pot works by allowing the water to soak up through the absorbent substrate (they call it Lechuza-Pon) so you don't need to fill this pot with compost.

I think I am most taken with this simple cube design.  It has turned a very dull plant pot of spring bulbs into something very striking and you wouldn't believe how simple it was.  Fill with water...push the wick into the bottom of the normal plant pot...plonk plant pot into planter.  Easy!

Using Lechuza planters over the past couple of months has really re-inspired me to grow indoors.  I tend to plant a lot of edible plants outside over the summer but traditionally I've not bothered indoors because I never remember to water.  Self-watering planters may well be my solution to this problem!  I only have to remember to top them up with water infrequently and I think they look fab on my window ledges.
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