Mellow Mummy: Little Pumpkin Lindam Clarity Baby Monitor Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 4 December 2011

Little Pumpkin Lindam Clarity Baby Monitor Review

Lindam Clarity Digital Video Monitor
The Lindam Clarity Digital Video Monitor has really surprised me as an all-round baby monitor; the image quality is outstanding and the sound quality seems uncompromised. It is easy to use and has most of the features that I look for in a baby monitor.

Little Pumpkin logo

Online baby and children's store Little Pumpkin sell the Clarity Digital Video Monitor (currently reduced to £99.99) and I think it is an awesome piece of kit that I shall be very happy to use when baby Button arrives in a few months time.

The monitor was very fast to set up. The camera was easy to position so that it looked down on Lara's cotbed. I was really impressed with the mechanism on the camera that allowed you to position it at lots of different angles. The camera seemed to be more than able to cope in the dark through its use of infra-red and the quality of the image we received during the night was more than acceptable. The only slightly annoying thing is that in order for the camera to work at night, it emits a small red light which didn't seem to disturb Lara but we both found really noticeable in her room.

The image quality in daylight was really very crisp and clear. The sound too - normally video monitors sacrifice sound quality for image but this one was as clear as any other audio monitor I've tried.

The parent unit is wireless and rechargeable and has a handy flip-out stand. We liked the fact that you could switch it so that the screen was off until it detected noise. The detection was very responsive but not so much that the tiniest noise would cause the screen to switch on during the night. We also liked the fact that you could remotely switch on a nightlight in the nursery, or play lullabies in the nursery. I think the only functionality we really missed was the ability to talk back to Lara in the nursery through the parent unit but I'd be prepared to sacrifice that for the rest of the features it does provide.

The Lindam Clarity Digital Video Monitor is really good value for money and I can see many year's use from it in the future. It looks smart and is easy to use. I highly recommend it.
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