Mellow Mummy: Easter Preparations with Eggnogg and ASDA : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Easter Preparations with Eggnogg and ASDA

Lara and I really started getting into the Easter spirit this weekend.  This year Easter falls on the last weekend in March and so Lara and I spent our weekend practicing baking and doing lots of craft and colouring activities with thanks to Eggnogg and ASDA.

Lara was sent a truely awesome Easter tablecloth from who make colour-in crafts and accessories for kids.  The very second that I laid down our paper table cloth, Lara got to work colouring in the rabbits, eggs, spring flowers, birds and cows of all different shapes and sizes.  There is so much detail to the colour-in tablecloth that Lara could be entertained for the whole of the rest of the month!  Eggnogg also have colour-in Easter eggs, a treasure hunt and Easter bunting as part of their Easter Extravaganza.  To me, Eggnogg is such a great find and I can't wait to go back to them for some birthday bits and pieces later in the year.

On Sunday Lara went to visit a friend for tea and she was eager to make some cakes as a gift to take with her - what a great reason to crack open some of the Easter decorations and baking accessories from ASDA?

Lara and I melted chocolate over a pan of water, mixed in some golden syrup and butter and then stirred it into some crispy rice.  We spooned the chocolatey mixture into brightly coloured Easter cupcake cases from ASDA (we have matching napkins and plates too!) and then decorated our chocolatey Easter nests with mini chocolate eggs and rabbit-shaped cake toppers.

Needless to say that the Easter nests went down EXTREMELY well with Lara's little friend!
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