Mellow Mummy: Holly's First Shoes : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Holly's First Shoes

Holly is walking confidently now all around the house and at nursery and so we decided that it was time for her first pair of shoes. I had been hoping to put off the purchase of her first pair of shoes for as long as possible as I know that tiny feet are better left shoe-less to allow their foot bones to develop properly but the fact is that Holly, at 10 and a half months, wants to be walking everywhere.

Around the house we usually leave Holly barefoot and if we are going somewhere in the buggy, or visiting somewhere indoors and I want to keep her feet warm and protected then I put her in a pair of soft-soled shoes. But out and about, I felt she needed a pair of smart shoes to wear.

We took Holly to our local Clarks store first thing on a Saturday morning (to avoid the rush!) and let the girls loose. Holly had her feet measured; they were ever so slightly smaller than Lara's first shoes were but then Lara was 14 months old by then). Holly found the whole experience fascinating; she tightened her toes when the shoes went on which made it very hard to fasten them. Then she chased her big sister around the store.

You can tell from her smile that she was having fun.

Holly came away with a personalised height chart too!
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