Mellow Mummy: Sukin Kids Bath & Body Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 3 March 2013

Sukin Kids Bath & Body Review

Sukin Kids is a range of natural hair and body products for children designed not only to provide a natural solution for bathtime, but also to encourage children to show an interest in renewable energy.  The range features a shampoo (Wendy water saver), conditioner (Wes wind farm), hand wash (Ruby recycle), cooling spray (Simon solar) and then the all round bath and body wash featuring Eddie Energy Saver which is what Lara, Holly and I have been reviewing over the past month.

First thing that struck me was that the product comes in a great big bottle which is perfect for me because I have two children who get through shampoo and body wash at some rate... a single bigger bottle also is a better use of resources than lots of smaller ones.

Eddie Energy Saver is a light bulb whose face is featured on the bottle switching off a light but beyond that I'm not sure that there is much to encourage Lara to learn about saving energy.  saying that, Sukin's own website does feature some energy saving tips and activity sheets for children.

Sukin is an Australian brand of natural and organic skin and bodycare products and it is great to see a brand like this offer products for children.  The body wash itself is brilliant.  It is a very gentle scent that comes from the active ingredients which include lavender, chamomile, mandarin orange and tangerine.  It is totally clear and comes in a pump dispenser which I always find easier when dealing with children in the bath.

The body wash can be used either as a bubble bath by pouring it under a running tap (there is a bit of a foam despite being SLS-free) or you can just use it straight on a sponge or flannel as a skin cleanser.  It is gentle enough that you can use it from birth if you really wish to use something on baby's skin.  I use it on both my 10 month old and my 3 year old and have had no problems at all with dry skin after use (one of the key ingredients is Aloe vera which should keep dry skin at bay).

The Sukin Kids range of natural hair and body products is available in the UK from Cress and is suitable for children aged 0-8 years.  The body wash costs £13.28 for a large 500ml bottle and at present there is an offer where you can a free Simon Solar soothing spray.
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