Mellow Mummy: Streethub online independent homeware and fashion boutiques : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 27 December 2014

Streethub online independent homeware and fashion boutiques

As you know, I am a massive fan of online shopping.  There are three reasons for this:-

1. I work full time.  Lunch times in Bracknell town centre aren't the most ideal shopping opportunity
2. I hate crowds.  High street shopping at the weekends isn't really my thing
3. I LOVE discovering the smaller, niche retailers online.  Without the internet I almost certainly wouldn't discover some of the online gems that I've found.

My absolute favourite online explorations are always ones which involve clothes shopping for Lara and Holly.  There are so many amazing small clothing boutiques for children which are simply out of my reach by any other means.  Streethub is an online shopping portal that brings together some beautiful online independent homeware and fashion boutiques in London.

Streethub introduced themselves to me last month and I had a great time exploring all of the innovative and cute Christmas gifts on offer.  There were some amazing toys and I even found a set of very special kitchen knives specially designed for kids - awesome!  But most of all, I've been wowed by the children's clothes on Streethub which is why we chose Lara this beautiful Lilly and Sid girls ruffled cotton dress from a boutique called Teds based in Teddington.

Streethub features around 300 different boutiques across London and Brighton.  Many of the boutiques offer delivery options throughout the UK but almost all of them offer local collection too.  Streethub is an online means of browsing the products and stock from lots of different, small boutiques and is perfect for people like me who simply don't have the time, or inclination, to spend time browsing in "real life"!

We ordered this dress from Teds because we knew the Lilly and Sid brand of luxury children's clothing well.  The dress is a beautiful, floaty dress which twirls and swirls when Lara dances - it is 3% elastene so it stretches nicely over the body and arms to make a snug, flexible fit all over.  It is a nice heavy cotton that works well at this time of year paired with either leggings or thick tights.  This dress is sooooo Lara.

We were really pleased with the delivery time from Teds through Streethub and would certainly order this way again as it opens up a whole new genre of shops.

This Lilly and Sid dress costs £36.50 from Teds and is available in sizes 2 years up to 8 years.
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