Mellow Mummy: The Two Fairies : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 6 December 2014

The Two Fairies

The two M&S fairies, Magic and Sparkle, are flying up and down the UK this Christmas to help spread kindness.  It has become a bit of a Christmas tradition in our house that Father Christmas sends a fairy to stay with us during advent to encourage the girls to be kind and helpful, the two Marks and Spencer fairies are on the same sort of mission - to encourage random acts of kindness.

The two fairies are encouraging children across the UK to make a Christmas decoration onto which they place a little tag that tells the world about an act of kindness that they have done for someone else recently.  Once they've made the decorations they can take them along to their local Marks and Spencer store where the decorations are being collected for the two fairies to perform a very special act of kindness.

Lara has made a whole host of Christmas decorations.  From these two peg-doll fairies of her own, to a long paper chain.  She has painted, cut, stuck, sewn until our entire house has been covered in glue and glitter.  This week we will take all of the decorations into town.

Lara has taken the acts of kindness very seriously, knowing that Father Christmas is expecting her to work hard to appear on the 'nice list' this year.  Her acts of kindness this week included inviting Father Christmas to a picnic so that he could take some time off, donating some of her books to the school fair and offering to help her teacher tidy up after school.

You can #FollowTheFairies on twitter for small ideas of acts of kindness or to find our where they will be visiting next.
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