Mellow Mummy: My 2015 Resolutions : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 5 January 2015

My 2015 Resolutions

I never used to be someone to make New Year's Resolutions.  But, ever since starting this blog, I've felt compelled to blog my annual resolutions.  Somehow, writing them down and publishing them for the world to see helps me to keep my resolutions!

1. Stay Happy
Work wise, 2015 is going to be very challenging.  I have big projects ahead with ambitious deadlines and a variety of challenges.  Mr. B. and I both know that when work gets stressful, the stress rubs off on the two girls and behaviour starts to become an issue.  So for this reason, I'm promising myself and my family that I'll not let work get to me.  If I can stay within a reasonable stress boundary and embrace happiness then we'll all keep smiles on our faces.

2. Keep Running

My training for #TeamChallenge10 continues.  Before very long I should be able to run 10 miles without stopping.  This is mental!  I have my first half marathon scheduled for March this year.  I'm promising myself that even after I've reached that big hurdle, and when we all complete our Team Challenge 10 mile run that I will continue running.  I can feel all of the health benefits that running is bringing me and I don't want them to stop.

3. Spend Less
Mr. B. will be grateful for this one.  I don't think we spend a lot on unnecessary stuff anyway but we do seem to have massive outgoings every month.  Lots of that is on savings for the girls and for us but lots of it is also on bills and food and luxuries.  This year, I'm going to find us some ways of bringing down the everyday cost of living our lives.  This way we can save the money to spend on holidays.  Perfect.

4. Look after the Garden
This is the year that I'll give the garden some TLC.  I've no idea where I will find the time to do so but I want our garden to feel loved.  That way it'll bring us lots of lovely fruit and veg.
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