Mellow Mummy: #TeamChallenge10 Jantastic! : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 3 January 2015

#TeamChallenge10 Jantastic!

2015 is the year that I will run 10 miles non-stop as part of the Team Challenge 10 mile run in June.  To top that, 2015 is the year I will run my first half marathon.  And, all going to plan, 2015 is the year that I will run 10 km in less than 1 hour.

My #TeamChallenge10 journey has stalled a little over Christmas. I had great intentions and desperately wanted to get our running but I pulled a groin muscle on the 22nd December, attempted to run when injured on Boxing Day and then regretted it.  I could barely walk for a couple of days and then decided to chill out and recover fully before trying again.  It was heartbreaking watching all of my running friends clocking up the miles without me.

So, when the injury is fully recovered, it is going to take quite a lot to get me up off the sofa and out into the cold again. I blogged a little while ago about clever ways of making sure that I get out of the house and keep running of the wintery months and in the new year, my ingenious technique will be... Jantastic.

The Jantastic challenge starts on the 5th of February. Jantastic is an online community fitness programme designed to encourage and motivate participants to set and achieve their personal health and fitness goals for January to March. It's FREE and you can join in on your own, or as part of a team (I'm part of team RMR - the biggest movement of running mummies the world has ever seen!)

Over the period of the challenge you can set your own fitness goals for running, cycling and swimming (or a combination of all of them). You set your own personal goals through the Jantastic website and be receive regular motivation, reminders and encouragement, inspiring you to achieve their goals through the tough winter months. I've heard great things from last year and can't wait to join in this year - I'm hoping it will help me prep for my half marathon in late March.

When you run (or cycle or swim) with Jantastic you can also raise money for one of their nominated charities by getting your friends or family to sponsor you to meet your goals.

The other thing that I've done to help spurr me on in the new year is to sign up for Bounts rewards at . Bounts gives you rewards for every time you do exercise (either by linking to a Strava or fitness app or when you check in at your local registered gym).  You clock up points which can be used to exchange for rewards such as shopping vouchers.  If you use my code button1405 when you sign up, we both get bonus points.
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