Mellow Mummy: Neusu Bath Toy Scoop Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 8 November 2015

Neusu Bath Toy Scoop Review

If your bathroom is anything like ours, it is littered with bath toys.  Over the years we have tried all sorts of ways of storing the toys but everything we had tried to date was either too small, or else it just got in the way, meaning we avoided using it.  That's why I was so pleased to be asked to try out the Neusu bath toy scoop, a self-draining bath toy tidy. sell high quality storage solutions that are made to last - we tried out their premium bath toy scoop but Neusu also make shoe and clothing storage such as heavy-duty vacuum storage bags.  The bath toy scoop is a rigid, brightly-coloured plastic scoop which, if it didn't have holes in it, has a capacity of about 3 litres (which is just about enough to house our collection of kids bath toys).  You attach it to the bathroom tiles for storage using a sucker which the scoop will hang from; when the kids have finished in the bath, you simply woosh the toy tidy around the bath to scoop up all the toys and then clip it back onto the hanger while you let the water drain away so that your toys stay dry and mildew-free.  Very clever.

I've been really impressed with the level of suction of the toy tidy; even when it is full to the brim with heavy toys, I can relax in my own bath knowing that its not going to topple down on me!  The scoop is designed and shaped such that it encourages optimal suction against the wall.

It is very satisfying to finally have an option for storing the toys out of the way, but even more rewarding is the fact that you don't have to take the toys out of the bath one by one.  However...the very best part of the Neusu toy scoop is the fact that Lara and Holly find it fun to use and so they volunteer to tidy up the toys from the bath before they get out.  Genius.

You can find out more about Neusu household storage solutions on their Facebook and Twitter feeds.

The Neusu Premium Bath Toy Scoop costs around £11.99.

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