Mellow Mummy: Magic Belles - Magic Music for Little Girls : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Magic Belles - Magic Music for Little Girls

My daughters first discovered the little musical fairies - the Magic Belles - when the fairies released their first iOS app.  It became such a firm favourite that Holly would rush into my room each morning and ask to "play".  The Magic Belles have just released a number of jingly merry tunes available for download and my girls were some of the first to test them for their magical, twinkly danciness and their general jingliness.

The Magic Belles are a set of 6 fairies, each with their own character.  You can find out more about each of them at where there are fun activities too; quite often I find inspiration for cookery activities on the Flutterbud club website where Cupcake Belle has been cooking up sweet treats that my girls can reproduce at home!

The new Magic Music EP features six songs that feature some of the different bells - There is the Bake it, shake it song for Cupcake Belle, the Twinkle Twinkle song for Star Belle and the Rainbow Song for Rainbow Belle.  Lara loved the fact that the music was clearly linked to the characters she already knew.

The music is aimed at little girls aged 3-7 years old.  I've definitely noticed a gap in the market here - little girls love to dance and sing but once they go to school they don't really want to be dancing to nursery rhymes  or TV show theme tunes any more.  Lara hears a lot of pop music at after school club but doesn't really understand who or what she is listening to and to be honest, I don't think she is quite ready for 1D yet so, to find a set of tracks which appeal to this age range is wonderful.

Both of my girls seem very taken with the music - this has a lot to do with the feeling that this is "their" music; normally when we listen to music it is Mummy and Daddy's music!  All of the tracks are very upbeat and have positive, fun lyrics (something you definitely don't get in chart pop music) so perfect for little people and I think they will be brilliant for Lara's forthcoming birthday party.

The Magic Music tracks by the Magic Belles are all very jingly and twinkly - not something I'd really want to listen to in the car but they are more thank welcome to bop to it at home!  To give you a taste of the Magic Belles music, take a look at this video of the Twinkle Twinkle track.

Magic Music by the Magic Belles is available to download (tracks can be downloaded individually) from iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Spotify.
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