Mellow Mummy: The One With the Epic Disney's The Hive Birthday Cake : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 3 May 2014

The One With the Epic Disney's The Hive Birthday Cake

This week, my baby girl Holly turned two.  Every day, Holly brings a smile to my face (and probably introduces a grey hair or two) and I really wanted to make her a birthday cake that would put a smile on hers too.

Holly loves BEEs.  She is just a little bit obsessed with Disney's The Hive so I thought I would give a bee cake my best shot.  This is the result.

Disney The Hive Birthday Cake

The cake is a simple (huge) sponge filled with jam and butter cream, coated in marzipan and fondant.  All of the decorations are also made out of fondant.

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