Mellow Mummy: Tantrum Time - Tips for Coping With Trantrums : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Tantrum Time - Tips for Coping With Trantrums

I simply can't believe that nobody out there wanted to share their experiences of coping with tantrums.

I received one lovely entry for this month's carnival from Ellen at In a bun dance. In this post Ellen explains the troubled relationship between her two year old toddler and her 11 year old with Aspergers. Do give it a read, it's a fascinating post about a stage in a toddler's life that is very relevant to me right now.

My own little Lara has recently turned two and her behaviour is, at times, wearing me down. I wrote this piece last month after a particularly eventful trip to Sainsburys.

Next month's blog carnival will be all about Miscarriage (which you may know, happened to me last month). I hope to have a few more entries than this month... please???

The carnival will take place on august 24th so I will need your entries by the 21st please. It can be on any aspect of miscarriage or still birth, I just want to try and encourage others to talk about it and to share their experiences because reading other people's accounts really helped me deal with it. If you have a story you want to tell but would rather not host it on your blog, or would rather remain annonymous then I would be happy to feature your post here on Mellow Mummy.

Email your entries to or else leave me a link in the comments below.

See you next month.

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