Mellow Mummy: Hunter Kids Wellies Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 25 November 2012

Hunter Kids Wellies Review

I had no idea that Hunter Wellies were available for children in such a wide range of colours. Before we tried out these original kid's Hunter Wellies I had known about the brand but didn't really know what all the fuss was about.

Simply Hike sent Lara a pair of shocking fuschia pink Hunter Wellies to try out and now I understand what all the fuss was about! These original Hunter Wellies for kids are available in gloss and matt colours, some bright, some dark but all fab! They come in children's size 7 through to adult's size 5.

The boots have a shaped sole so they aren't totally flat across the bottom. There is a proper raised heel which makes them really smart and really comfy. These are the welly of choice for royalty, after all!

I really like the buckle on the outside of each boot. I don't think they offer any adjustability on the kids boots but they do help Lara to know which boot is for which foot! There are two reflective patches on the back of each boot which makes them perfect for this time of year as they add that little bit of safety when out and about in the dark.

The Hunter kids boots are a nice high boot to stop puddles and leaves getting in and they are gorgeously tailored. The inside of the rubber boot is a nylon kit which stays nice and dry.

The hefty price tag (£35) for a pair of Hunter wellies is certainly worth it once your child's feet start slowing down their growth as these are a really great quality pair of boots that look fabulous. As you can see, they are a bit of a fashion statement as well as being totally practical.

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