Mellow Mummy: Fairy & Make-A-Wish Foundation : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 29 November 2012

Fairy & Make-A-Wish Foundation

This Christmas Fairy are once again launching their campaign to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A_Wish grant the wishes of children who are suffering from life-threatening conditions and so far, in the past 9 years, Fairy have raised over £1 million for the charity.

This year, getting involved is incredibly easy and probably won't cost you a penny. You could be a Fairy Godmother (or father!) simply by 'Liking' or 'Sharing' the Fairy facebook page For every new liker, or share, Fairy will donate 50p to the Make-A-Wish Foundation upto £40,000. There are also limited edition Fairy liquid and dishwasher tablets to look out for.

So next time you have 2 minutes to spare... pop over to facebook to like and share and make your donation. Easy.
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