Mellow Mummy: Neil the Seal by TOMY : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Neil the Seal by TOMY

Meet Neil the Seal!

Neil is part of the Play2Learn range from TOMY which are all toys which are designed for toddlers to encourage them to play while learning about the world around them.

Neil is a VERY clever little seal who, as you push him along, will pick up his ball from the floor... toss it up in the air... and then spin it on his nose. Genius! Even though Neil has been with us for a few weeks, we all still stop and stare in wonder at him every time he does this - even the grown ups. Lara, at 4 years old, is the most fascinated by Neil because she has already formed opinions about what is or isn't normal about the world. Holly on the other hand seems to think that this is quite normal but it does make her giggle every time.

I like this toy because it encourages walking. The handles are at a great height for Holly right now (she is 15 months) and it is suitably challenging for her to direct Neil to pick up the ball - not so hard that she loses interest, but hard enough that she has to think and try a little to catch the ball. The brightly coloured ball itself is actually quite fun for Holly and myself to play with because it is a nice size to roll to one another and it rattles slightly as it rolls.

I think it is great to see a fun and engaging kids toy which doesn't make noises and doesn't require batteries! My gut feeling is that the entertainment value of Neil the Seal catching his ball and spinning it on his nose will reduce a little as time wears on and as Holly becomes more mobile herself but so far, he still seems to be offering entertainment. For this reason, I think it would make a really ideal toy for a nursery or play group where lots of children would get short bursts of fun from it.

Neil the Seal costs around £20 which I think is reasonable value for money as long as you get good usage from it.

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