Mellow Mummy: Stain Art : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Stain Art

This weekend Lara created her own piece of stain art - a masterpiece made from household stains inspired by artist, Dermot Flynn who made me this amazing t-shirt depicting one of my favourite photos of Lara and Holly snuggling one another.

Dermot painted his picture onto my t-shirt using household products that commonly cause stains in clothes.  Lara painted her work of art using ink, green paint and homemade curry powder!

Lara had great fun helping me raid the cupboard for potential artists materials.  We found chocolate buttons, turmeric powder and red wine which would all have worked well.  But Holly wouldn't let us squash up any of the strawberries from the garden to turn into paint!  After she had painted her flower, Lara used a round sponge to splodge ink around the print to give it her own personal touch!

Interestingly enough, stains aren't just for art's sake in our household!  Both girls come home from nursery each day having got through at least two outfits and, because both Holly and Lara enjoy helping us in the kitchen and in the garden, stains are a common feature on all of their clothes - baby led weaning doesn't do much to reduce the stains at dinner time either!

NEW Persil Small and Mighty has an innovative Triple Cleaning System formulation and Stain Eraser Ball that can also be used as a pre-treater so it is designed to be up to the challenge of the types of stains we experience regularly on the girls clothes.  I'm planning on keeping these two t-shirts as works of art but the painting overall Lara wore that day made it through the wash unscathed!  We only use a biological detergent in our house when we have stains to shift (in order to try and prevent Lara's ezcema) so when we do use a bio detergent such as Persil Small and Mighty we want to know that it will do the job, first time.
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