Mellow Mummy: Disney on Ice Magical Ice Festival : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 26 April 2015

Disney on Ice Magical Ice Festival

Yesterday we took the girls to Wembley Arena to see Disney on Ice, Magical Ice Festival.  We've seen a few Disney on Ice performances in the past but I have to say I think this was our favourite to date.

75% of the show had very little to do with a Magical Ice Festival at all, but we didn't mind one bit.  The show featured some really nice long performances from The Little Mermaind, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast and, of course, Frozen.

We all really enjoyed the show, not just the girls.  Mr. B. and I most like the impressive group dances which feature amazing outfits, perfectly-choreographed ice dance routines and lots of people on the rink at any one time all dancing to a well-known Disney song.  The girls, of course, most enjoyed "Let it Go" which was one of the final masterpieces of the show featuring a sparkly snowflake centre-piece, fireworks and snow falling from the ceiling.

The show is popular with both boys and girls and there were lots of people dressed up as Olaf, Elsa and Anna.

If you've never been to a Disney on Ice performance before then I really recommend this one which features lots of stunning group dances and Frozen sing-along songs.  Disney On Ice presents Magical Ice Festival is appearing across the UK in Cardiff from the 29th April - 3rd May, Nottingham from the 7th-10th May and Leeds from the 13th - 17th May. Click here for ticket details and show times. Tickets are on sale NOW.

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