Mellow Mummy: The Blogging Meme : Taking life as it comes...

Friday 9 July 2010

The Blogging Meme

I was tagged a little while back by the Award-Winning 20 Something Mum in her brand new meme. The Blogging Meme. Claire invented the meme on her Blog-o-versary so it seems fitting for me to carry it on today, on my ACTUAL birthday!

To fulfil the meme, I need to tell you about my favourite blogs in the following categories and hope that their authors want to join in!

My favourite blog changes quite regularly but currently it is Mummy's Busy World written by Little M and his lovely mummy Maria who is small, bubbly and squidgable. I love the fact that the blog is written from a different point of view – it means that the content is well thought out and very different to most of the other blogs I read.

This is most definitely The Competition Grapevine. After a long break from the blogging world, my Mum, Mrs Competition Grapevine to you (or Mellow Grandma if you prefer) has come back with a vengeance. I respect her as a blogger because I know how little time she has in her crazy competition life and that she finds any time to tell the world about how to join in is a miracle in itself. I've seen her blog grow over the past couple of months into a genuinely useful resource.

As I'm sure you'll all agree, the weekly photo gallery at Sticky Fingers has really been a hit. I love seeing the varied takes on the prompt and I am in my element when searching through my photo archives for suitable pictures.

I saw this post a while back when it went viral but it helped me to discover a fascinating, topical, overseas blog :-
The 1 Year Happy Meal

The post was a year in the making and is just up my street. Baby Bites has lots of great posts about children's food in the U.S. – many of them with very strong opinions.
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