I love taking pictures on holiday. My camera comes with me wherever I travel. My holiday souvenirs are the photos I take. Often I take too many. From a two-week honeymoon in Africa, I came home with over 760 photos (and that was after editing them on-the-fly). After every holiday I go back through my photos and choose one, maybe two of them which I get printed as 10x8" prints and I put them into my big, black-paged portfolio. My portfolio is for me, no-one else. It contains memories of the last ten years of holidays.
Sadly, I can't share many of them here because my CDs and prints are all stacked in a storage unit ready for our imminent house move but I thought I would share with you a couple of images from my more recent travels which are stored at Photobox
Sadly, I can't share many of them here because my CDs and prints are all stacked in a storage unit ready for our imminent house move but I thought I would share with you a couple of images from my more recent travels which are stored at Photobox

These two photos were taken on honeymoon 2 years ago in Chobe National Park in Botswana. Safari is unforgettable. These pictures were both taken in the yellowing sunshine of a hot African evening. Note:- I don't have a special zoom lens on my SLR, it's just a bog standard lens. We were really that close!

These two photos were taken in Cornwall (just outside Mousehole) in February last year. It was our last holiday before the arrival of Lara on the scene. I chose them not only because they are in stark contrast to the honeymoon pictures, but also because the total lack of humans and animals in these photos will always remind me that these were the last holiday snaps I took without a child. From now on, all holiday pictures will have kids in - isn't that right?
This post was written for the photo Gallery at Sticky Fingers