Mellow Mummy: Bedtime Carnival - A Call For Posts : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 28 February 2011

Bedtime Carnival - A Call For Posts

After last week's successful blog carinval all about teething, I've decided to run another one! Once again, the theme will be inspired by my Cybermummy sponsor, Boots Parenting Club, who currently have offers on bedtime and bathtime products in store.

So, now I am looking for your blog posts about how you ensure a good night's sleep. What bedtime routine do you follow? Do you enforce a routine? Does your little one struggle to settle? How do you cope with the sleepless nights from which parents inevitably suffer? How do you help your children relax and calm down ready for bed time? What time is bedtime?

The carnival will be held on the 9th of March. Email me a link to your post by the 7th March jumblyMummy AT gmail DOT com, or else leave the link in the comments section below.

As a little bit of inspiration, why not take a peek at the Pampers 'Land of Golden Sleep' where you can find tips from their resident 'Soothology' expert on how to relax your baby or toddler in preparation for a good night's sleep.

Perhaps, like many of the mummys that Pampers interviewed, you pushed your baby upto 639 miles per year in the buggy, just to get them to sleep? Or maybe you resort to taking them for a drive in the car, as do 34% of the parents they surveyed (a topic I've covered before on ParentWheels)? What lengths do you go to in order to ensure a good night's sleep for your little one?

Looking forward to reading all of your posts.

PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT a sponsored post and neither is the carnival. It's my own idea, it just so happens that the idea came after I received PR material from the brands above. Please don't let my mentions affect your decision to enter the carnival. :-)
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