Mellow Mummy: Teething Pain - Tips and Experience from REAL Mums : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Teething Pain - Tips and Experience from REAL Mums

My Cybermummy sponsor, Boots are currently running some great promotions on teething products in store, and by way of support, I thought I would run a blogger's carnival to share the worries, tips and experiences of real mums who have dealt with the horrors of teething pain.

I myself have been through the troubles of teething with little Lara. In March last year I blogged about teething pain breaking my heart. And then, After trying a number of different approaches to pain relief, I blogged about the results of our attempts to relieve teething pain. Yesterday I blogged about how severe the teething pain is for Lara now that she is a toddler and the back teeth are coming through.

Carly of Mummys's Shoes has a very mellow blog about her 1-year-old not yet having teeth and then, about arrival of the first tooth.

Hannah at Muddling Along Mummy has surprised herself by sticking with breastfeeding through the discomfort of teething.

At Diary of a First child there are some accurate observations of teething at around 2 months. And, in a separate blog post there are some details of a range of different natural teething remedies.

Emma from Me, the Man and Baby records some of the main signs of teething, and several different types of pain relief at the Born Free blog and reminds us that there IS light at the end of the tunnel.

There are also some really useful diagrams and guides to teething at TwoBecomeFour and some feedback on bickiepegs as a solution to the problem of teething.

At Little Green Blog you can find details of 4 natural remedies for teething.

Jenny at Gingerbread House wrote a post that really struck a chord with me - nobody prepares you for the horrors of teething, until you're a parent, you really can't comprehend how much of a struggle it is.

Emma at Mission to Motherhood has a great blog about her reluctance to use Calpol for the first time to combat teething pain.

Thanks for joining in everyone

Emma x
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