Mellow Mummy: Zoflora Review and Winner Announcement : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 13 August 2011

Zoflora Review and Winner Announcement

Many many congratulations to Carolin Mader who won the Zoflora disinfectant hamper on Mellow Mummy earlier this month - I've heard good feedback already!

Over the past couple of weeks I have also been trying out Zoflora for myself. I've been using their new Apple Orchard scent of concentrated disinfectant, mainly for cleaning out potties over the past couple of weeks of manic potty training!

I just need to use the teeniest tiniest amount of Zoflora in the bottom of the potty and then top it up with 20 parts water to give it a thorough clean. The smell is astonishing. There is nothing chemically about it, it smells summery, fresh and crisp. Actually, the smell is so strong that it takes you by surprise... Mr. B. thought we must have a leaking bottle somewhere as the smell had overtaken the house!

When I'm cleaning out something bigger like our manky kitchen bin, I've taken to doing it outside.

For such a small bottle of disinfectant it is incredibly long lasting and powerful and at £1.39 I think Zoflora Apple orchard concentrated disinfectant is a bargain.

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