Mellow Mummy: Miscarriage - Stories and Experiences From Bloggers : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Miscarriage - Stories and Experiences From Bloggers

Last month I blogged about my own early miscarriage and I had such an overwhelming response from so many people who had been through the same thing as me that I decided that miscarriage should be the theme for this month's mellow mummy blogger's carnival.

Jo from LadyBlahBlahs has listed some of the strong feelings she felt having experienced at least 5 miscarriages before conceiving. She feels cheated out of having been able to enjoy pregnancy.

Ellen from In a Bundance wrote a heart-breaking piece about having to experience the pain and trauma of labour after a miscarriage she had previously not known about.

Cheryl from Madhouse Family Reviews featured a campaign last year for The Baby Loss Awareness Campaign which features some comforting statistics and advice. At her other blog, Welcome Back To The Madhouse, Cheryl shares a picture that her daughter drew in memory of her little sister who was never meant to be.

Hannah from Muddling Along Mummy wrote this lovely post about how, even with a miscarriage early in pregnancy, the baby feels real to you. More recently Hannah has blogged about the mixed emotions she has felt learning that a relative is pregnant. Hannah has some wonderfully honest posts about miscarriage on her blog that I've found touching and inspiring, do go and have a delve in her archives.

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