Mellow Mummy: A Traditional Fair Trade Rag Doll : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 10 February 2013

A Traditional Fair Trade Rag Doll

Meet Mia. Lara's new rag doll. Mia spent much of this weekend having picnics in Lara's room with Rosie the doll, Babs and Bob the bears and Tiger.

Rosie instantly appealed to Lara and I'm sure it is due to her simplicity. She is a simple, traditional Fair Trade Rag Doll from Llama Fair Trade. The dolls and their clothes are handmade in Sri Lanka under fair trade conditions with working benefits that you or I would recognise as standard but which, in the developing world, are still hard for employees to obtain.

Llama fair trade don't just sell dolls, they have a wide variety of fair trade products from across the globe such as cosmetics, stationery, musical instruments, bags and home wares.

Mia the doll came with a handmade outfit but Llama fair trade also sell a set of additional outfits for the large dolls to wear. The set comprised around 4 complete extra outfits including coats, dresses, skirts and tops and there are several different sets to choose from, including some for male dolls. The outfits came on a tiny little coat hanger which Lara has hung next to her fancy dress costumes on her own hanging rail. Lara loves taking the clothes off and putting new ones on. I am pretty sure she has inherited this trait from her Auntie... I remember her doing much the same when we were little.

Mia herself has a nice firm face with big rosy cheeks and soft, pliable limbs that makes it easy to get them in and out of the outfits. She needs a little help to sit upright at the picnic mat among Lara's other friends. The arms are sewn on and I would say that Lara is perhaps a touch too young to understand how careful she may need to be when putting the clothes on in order to protect the doll, it feels a little delicate in this area.

I love the simplicity and the credentials of this rag doll. I also already own a soft cuddly bear made by the same employer (imajo) in sri lanka and he is Holly's favourite. I'm really happy with the quality of both.

Mia costs £14 and the spare set of clothes cost £8.25 from Llama Fair Trade.

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