Mellow Mummy: YVolution Y Fliker Air Review : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 5 January 2014

YVolution Y Fliker Air Review

Before Christmas we reviewed the YVolution Y Fliker Air 3 scooter and loved it - Lara has now been using the Y Fliker for a few weeks and our opinion still stands - it is awesome!

Almost daily during the school holidays Lara has requested to go out on her "double foot scooter" as she calls it.  Sometime Lara likes to just pootle up and down the street, on other occasions she wants us to push her or ride with her at speed to try and pull some tight corners or drift across the street at an angle.  I think Lara could turn out to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie!

The YVolution Air series is available for ages 5+ (the A1) and ages 7+ (The A3) - because Lara is so tall she is already riding the A3.  Lara loves to push herself along until she has gained enough speed and then uses the handlebars to wiggle too and from, a bit like a skiing motion to propel herself further along the road.  She hasn't attempted any flying stunts yet other than with me riding on too... we have tried using the hand brake which isn't awfully effective for bringing the scooter to a standstil but can help if you want to pull a wheelie!

The YFliker A3 is, even in a short space of time, our most used outdoor toy ever.  It has been an even bigger hit than the new bike Lara got for her birthday in the summer!
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