Mellow Mummy: Movie Night with House of Fraser : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 1 November 2014

Movie Night with House of Fraser

The clocks going back last weekend came as a bit of a shock to Lara.  This year was the first year when she has really noticed that sudden change in the light levels during the evening; one day we were eating our evening meal watching the sunset... the next, we're eating it in total darkness.  I was secretly quite proud that she noticed but also a little sad that this means that the evenings will now be a lot darker and we have to prepare ourselves for the onset of far colder weather.

House of Fraser want us to be well-prepared with lots of warm, snuggly ideas of things to do during the colder evenings and they asked us to host a little family movie night complete with snuggly pyjamas and family-friendly DVDs.

The girls love a good movie and our movie night comprised Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy and The Snow Queen.  We snuggled up on the sofa, Lara and Holly in their new House of Fraser pyjamas for girls, and me in my two-piece women's pyjama set.  I think the girls were a lot more snuggly than me in their long-sleeved cotton tops and matching soft, fluffly flannelette trousers which remind me of the pyjamas I had as a kid. These two-piece sets are part of the Mini ZZZ range of kids nightwear and we LOVE them now that the nights have got a bit cooler.  My jammies have an owl motif and, quite aptly, feature the "tweet me" slogan!!!

With a big fat duvet on hand, and a bowl of freshly-popped plain pocorn we were ready for action...

...Our movie night didn't end up quite as relaxing as I had planned!  Combined with a bit of a late-night strictly catch-up and the awesome Natasha Bedingfield soundtrack played at the end of the Tinkerbell movie, the girls ended up doing less snuggling, and more boogeying.  Ah well, it just goes to show how comfy their jammies are.  I quite enjoy the Tinkerbell movies and I think every one we've watched has a fab soundtrack with at least one really memorable song that the girls have bopped along to.

At the end of a hard night, the girls did finally collapse when they were ready for bed.  I love our family chill-out time (rare as it is) and I can't think of a better way to spend it than snuggling on the sofa together.

Disclosure: Pyjamas and a movie were provided by House of Fraser for the purposes of this blog post!
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