Mellow Mummy: Children's Book Review :: Where's Bear? : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 26 July 2015

Children's Book Review :: Where's Bear?

Holly, recently turned three, is really REALLY enjoying her "reading" right now.  Holly spends many a happy hour at nursery "reading" to her friends and to the staff and this last week she asked if she could take Where's Bear? into nursery to read with her friends.  

Holly does a very good job of "reading" this board book by award-winning author and illustrator, Emily Gravett.  For a book which was only published this month, Holly has read this so many times that she is now able to recite it.  She LOVES counting from 1 to 10 with Hare as he plays hide and seek with his good friend Bear and she giggles every time Bear finds another ridiculous hiding place...

...Bear really isn't very good at Hide n' Seek!  Finally, Hare gives up trying and so they change roles.  It turns out that both Hare AND Bear are pretty good at hiding.

The repetition and counting are really what makes this book so good for preschoolers.  The book has a natural rhythm that children get drawn into and both Holly and Lara (now 6) giggle every time they read it.  It puts smiles on their faces.

Where's Bear is the third book in the Bear and Hare board book series.

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