Mellow Mummy: NEW! - The Furchester Hotel CBeebies Magazine : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 29 July 2015

NEW! - The Furchester Hotel CBeebies Magazine

This week sees the launch of a brand new CBeebies magazine aimed at preschoolers -  The Furchester Hotel.  Based on the hit CBeebies programme, The Furchester Hotel CBeebies magazine is packed full of the bright friendly faces of Elmo and his aunt, uncle, cousin and friends in the Furchester-Fuzz family.

Holly is just at the perfect age to start reading and enjoying CBeebies magazines as she is starting to be able to write basic letters and numbers, and understands the challenged of puzzles.  Together, I read Holly the pages and she fills in all of the answers, sticks on the appropriate sticker or colours in the pages. It's teamwork and she absolutely LOVES it.  It is very unusual for Holly to spend more than 5 minutes doing any one thing, but a magazine such as the Furchester Hotel magazine seems to capture her attention as it offers lots of different points of interaction.

On the first edition of the new Furchester Hotel CBeebies Magazine there is a make-and-do project to make portraits of all of the brightly coloured characters from the show.  Everything you need to make four portrait frames including fuzzy felt, googly eyes and foam frames.  Holly loved this and created her own masterpieces.

Inside there are stickers to place on almost every page.  I was very pleased to see that Holly really wanted to put the stickers in the right place (rather than her normal "stick-everything-in-one-big-pile" approach.  She seemed to genuinely want to work through the magazine and tackle all of the challenges from counting to spotting, from sorting to sizing.  There are basic pre-school maths, reading and writing challenges to keep your children busy and encourage them to start applying simple pre-school skills with a fun angle.

Holly most enjoyed filling in a comparison of herself with Elmo.  She was very excited to learn that Elmo is 3 and a half and enjoyed tracing his name.  I taught her to write the number 3 (her own age) which she found very tricky but was unbelievably proud when she managed it.  Afterwards, she drew a picture of her favourite thing - a cucumber! (Elmo's favourite is the cookie monster).

This was also Holly's first experience of simple mazes (this helps them to practice pen control) and puzzles.  The Furchester Hotel magazine also features several colouring pages which are particularly fun to fill in because of all of the brightly coloured monsters.

This monthly magazine is out now.

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