Mellow Mummy: The Froobles Fun Things To Make And Do Activity Book Review : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 11 October 2012

The Froobles Fun Things To Make And Do Activity Book Review

Lara has inherited the crafty gene from her Grandmother. Lara's behaviour is always most calm when she is applying herself to a craft or art activity. Admittedly, things can get messy... but then that's what it's all about, isn't it?

Lara was kindly asked to give her thoughts on the brand new Froobles Activity Book - Fun Things to Make and Do by Ella Davies. Lara has recently become a big Froobles fan both through the books and the apps. When the book arrived, Lara wanted to get started immediately... this was unfortunate as it was about 10 minutes until tea time and the table was already set!

The first activity that Lara attempted was to make a set of musical instruments from things that she rescued from the weekly recycling box! She made a rattle type shaker by putting rice into a bottle and then decorating the bottle and followed this with a drum that she made with a decorated infant formula box. After sticking on some coloured paper, she used the Froobles stickers from the Fun Things to Make and Do book to finish them off.

Lara was also really eager to get finger doodling and to make a cressy character. Our next project from the Froobles activity book is going to be a flowery scene with rotating flowers... I just need to remember where I put my national collection of split pins first.

Fun Things To Make and Do has about 14 activities in it and would make a perfect gift as a half-term present to inspire children if they can't get out and play. None of the activities are pushing any boundaries craft-wise. Paper chains, leaf rubbings and chocolate cornflake cakes aren't new ideas but they are presented in a very clear manner and printed on the page in a way that gives direction to the adult present and which inspires Lara to get involved. Lara can see on each page what the end product should look like and see the steps involved and I can read the instructions to her and take note of the little tips on offer too.

The book offers a large collection of stickers at the back which are used to finish off each of the activities involved - there are smiley faces, stars and lots of Frooble characters and this is really where the book adds value.

Fun Things to Make and Do (Froobles Activity Books) costs £4.99 and is part of a range of Froobles activity books that also includes stickers!

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