Mellow Mummy: Cantaloop Nursing Bra Review : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 6 December 2012

Cantaloop Nursing Bra Review

For me, the number one priority when choosing a nursing bra is comfort. The Cantaloop nursing bra is quite simply the most comfortable I have ever tried and, because of the soft, stretchy knitted fabric that it is made from it is incredibly flexible and adjusts to me as my shape changes.

And it does change! Now that I am very very slowly transferring Holly over from boob to bottle, my breasts swell and then 'deflate' during the day. Holly is eating a lot of solids so it can be a long time between feeds and when I am wearing some of my more rigid nursing bras, they get tight and uncomfortable towards the end of the day. The Cantaloop bra does not - in fact I can barely feel it at all.

My Cantaloop bra is pretty different to any other I have tried. Instead of straps to hold the drop cups, instead the breast is supported by a sort of 'o' of stretchy fabric and then the whole of the front cup drops down. At first it felt a bit weird, like my boobs were poking out of two peeky holes!!! But now I understand that actually it is that fabric underneath that is providing a really good support for me during the day.

Cantaloop pride themselves on the fact that, because their bra's are so stretchy, they only need to make 4 sizes to suit all women and that you don't even need to see a professional fitter, you just consult their size chart and can order in the knowledge that the stretch is bound to accommodate you. This also means that you can wear the same bra at the end of pregnancy and then into motherhood without worrying about your change in shape.

I found the clips on the drop-cups to take a little getting used to as they are different to most. At first I found it hard to undo the clips with one hand but I've had a bit of practice now and can manage just fine.

Cantaloop nursing bras are available in bigger Boots stores and online at and Amazon - they cost around £24 which I feel is a bargain.  This bra is definitely the most comfortable I have tried yet; no itchy seams and no uncomfy underwires.

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