My previous post on Baby Massage has proved to be the most popular blog post I have ever written! And so today I am happy to be able to share some more tips for baby massage - The Infacol Anti-Colic Massage Techniques from midwife Nikki Khan which include a few massage movements specifically designed to reduce colic. Infacol also have 6 cuddly plush moo-moos to give away so read on for how you could win one!
Before you start...

Using the tips of two fingers or thumbs massage both sides of the face simultaneously using a small amount of oil. Use finger to stroke from baby’s forehead toward the hairline
Place hands with palms facing down on the chest. Open hands until thumbs touch (‘open book’). Stroke outward around the ribs and under the arms. Next place hand diagonally on baby’s chest and stroke up, over the shoulder. Repeat on the other shoulder. (Repeat five times)
Start at the top of the arm, sliding your hand gently down the arm to the wrist. As one hand reaches the baby’s wrist, start the motion again with the other hand. (Repeat five times)
Stroke the back of the hand, starting at wrist and down each finger in turn. Then repeat on the palm of the hand and at each fingertip roll it gently between your fingers. (Repeat five times)
With baby on their front, use the ‘open book’ technique to stroke down below the arms onto the ribs. Repeat stroking up over shoulders. (Repeat five times)
Anti-colic Massage
Scooping Sand
With cupped hands, use a downward motion on the tummy starting from under the ribs to the lower abdomen. (Repeat three times)
A technique to stimulate the release of trapped gas. With baby lying on back, bring each knee up to the opposite side of the abdomen in turn. (Repeat three times)
Tiger in the Tree
Support baby’s weight by laying them along your arm facing downwards with head by your elbow. Hold the top of baby’s leg firmly with one hand. Using your free hand gently massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction. (Repeat three times)
See Arms section!
Using your forefinger, push gently across the heel and then at base of ties. Stroke sole of the foot from heel up to toes.
Before you start...
- Make sure area is safe, free from draughts and at room temperature (18°C, 65°F)
- Do not massage baby straight after a feed. Maintain eye contact and touch for safety and reassurance.
- Use a small amount of unscented oil, such as grape seed oil or sunflower oil, warming it between hands before using it on babies skin.
- Stop massaging if baby starts to cry or seems unwell. Read the following tips thoroughly, to carry out an enjoyable and loving massage for the baby.

Using the tips of two fingers or thumbs massage both sides of the face simultaneously using a small amount of oil. Use finger to stroke from baby’s forehead toward the hairline
Place hands with palms facing down on the chest. Open hands until thumbs touch (‘open book’). Stroke outward around the ribs and under the arms. Next place hand diagonally on baby’s chest and stroke up, over the shoulder. Repeat on the other shoulder. (Repeat five times)

Start at the top of the arm, sliding your hand gently down the arm to the wrist. As one hand reaches the baby’s wrist, start the motion again with the other hand. (Repeat five times)
Stroke the back of the hand, starting at wrist and down each finger in turn. Then repeat on the palm of the hand and at each fingertip roll it gently between your fingers. (Repeat five times)
With baby on their front, use the ‘open book’ technique to stroke down below the arms onto the ribs. Repeat stroking up over shoulders. (Repeat five times)
Anti-colic Massage
Scooping Sand
With cupped hands, use a downward motion on the tummy starting from under the ribs to the lower abdomen. (Repeat three times)
A technique to stimulate the release of trapped gas. With baby lying on back, bring each knee up to the opposite side of the abdomen in turn. (Repeat three times)

Support baby’s weight by laying them along your arm facing downwards with head by your elbow. Hold the top of baby’s leg firmly with one hand. Using your free hand gently massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction. (Repeat three times)

See Arms section!
Using your forefinger, push gently across the heel and then at base of ties. Stroke sole of the foot from heel up to toes.
To be in with a chance of winning one of the 6 cuddly plush moo-moos from Infacol, just leave me a comment below to let me know what your experiences of baby massage are, if any. The competition will close on the 23rd December.
Infacol is for the treatment of infant colic. Contains simeticone, always read the label.

- The competition is open to UK residents only.
- Only one comment per person. Multiple, automated or bulk entries will result in immediate disqualification
- The winner will be contacted by email.
- Entries will only be deemed valid if a valid email address is provided when commenting - people who just log into intensedebate with their facebook account will not qualify for entry because it is too difficult for me to contact the winners
- The winners will be selected at random from all valid comments received by 11.59pm on 23rd December
- The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
- The winners names will be published on this site