Mellow Mummy: Baby Napiers natural skincare for babies : Taking life as it comes...

Sunday 14 April 2013

Baby Napiers natural skincare for babies

Holly is just showing signs of sensitive skin... She lasted a lot longer than her sister, perhaps because we have been more picky about the bath and skin products that we have used on her since birth and always tend to use natural and organic skincare for both of our girls these days. Napiers, a big name in UK natural health and skincare, asked us to review some of the products from the Baby Napiers range.

We tried out the Baby Napiers Little Flower Baby Bath Wash which is an extremely mild baby wash and bubble bath that won't strip the oils from your baby's skin. The active ingredients are chickweed, chamomile, lavender and mandarin peel which, combined, should also give the wash a great scent but in fact I found it to be so mild that the scent wasn't strong at all, barely noticeable, especially once it is used in the bath.

The Little Flower natural baby wash is great for us because Holly loves bubbles but usually we can't have bubble bath because the girls share a bath and most bubbles irritate Lara's skin. we can use the Baby Napiers bubbles and I'm pleasantly surprised how well it foams. I think it is most effective when used as a body wash though, it cleans well and leaves the girls skin unaffected. It is mild enough to be used as a shampoo too.

After the bath we have been using the Baby Napiers Clever Chickweed Cooling Cream which is designed to soothe dry and irritates skin. The timing has been effect for us because Holly has just been showing signs of dry skin (I put this down to the fact that now she is walking we tends to get into more messy situations so needs a bath more often... We only normally bathe the girls a couple of times a week to prevent dry skin).

The Cooling Cream also has a barely perceptible scent but the texture of the cream is nice... It's not runny but certainly not too thick to rub in. On Holly's skin it absorbs quickly and I've noticed that Holly gives a noticeable sigh of relief when I apply it to her arms.

Both of the Baby Napiers products we tried were good baby staples for those looking to use natural baby cosmetics. I haven't been blown away by them, and would have preferred a stronger natural scent but they are effective and affordable. Napiers offer free delivery when you spend over £20 and they also sell a gorgeous wicker basket that you can fill with baby products to make a beautiful gift basket.

Mellow Mummy readers can get a 10& discount at Napiers using the code MELLOW13

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