Mellow Mummy: Selling and Saving : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 1 April 2013

Selling and Saving

You may remember me blogging about how I was clearing out our guest room in order to turn it into a playroom.  Do you remember my master plan to make money out of all our unwanted junk and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage?  Well I thought I would update you on how the selling and the saving is coming along.

So far my selling has raised us over £560 which has been paid straight to the mortgage.  OK, so that doesn't sound like an awful lot of money towards such a whopping great debt but over the course of the next 23 years that £560 will make a lot of a difference to the total amount we need to repay.

In the past month the sales have dried up a little so it is time to refocus and raid the cupboards again for more things to sell!  So the plan for the next few months is baby products and clothing...

packing up to sell baby things at the NCT sale

... during April I have decided to take part in my very first NCT Nearly New Sale.  I have lots of newborn and tiny baby clothes and toys that I am ready to pass on to new homes so I have spent this weekend washing, labelling and boxing up baby bits and pieces.  Our local NCT sale charges both an administration fee and a 30% commission so it remains to be seen how much money the sale makes towards the mortgage fund.

So then there is clothes.  And I'm not just talking baby clothes but my clothes and those of Mr. B which are in really good condition, just that we don't really wear them.  In the past I've attempted selling clothes in online auctions with little success, despite having a sister in law who used to sell like this on a grand scale (perhaps I need some more tips).  But there are other options if you are looking to sell your own clothes to make a little cash with the arrival of clothing trade-in sites such as Music Magpie.

this cupboard of clothes is the first place for me to start!

So next weekend I am going to empty out all of the wardrobes and drawers in our house and perform a full clothing audit to find all the clothes that haven't seen the light of day for years.  This, my friends, is the next stage of operation "pay the mortgage off".

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