Mellow Mummy: One More Candle :: Childrens Book Review : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 2 September 2013

One More Candle :: Childrens Book Review

One More Candle is a beautiful story by Merry Susiarjo and illustrated by Emmeline Pidgen.  Every time I read it to Lara at bedtime, the end of the story brings a lump to my throat as I think about her baby sister Holly sleeping in the room next to us... and then it brings a big smile to my face.

One More Candle tells the tale of Nora, a little girl who can't understand why every year she has one less candle on her birthday cake than her older sister.  Nora complains to her family but no-one will listen.  So Nora takes her quest elsewhere.  As Nora gets older her older sister Betty has some wise words to offer her and it turns out that Betty really does know her sister better than anyone.

The story is particularly appealing to Lara as she thinks about her own little sister; I think Holly will understand it well when she is a little older too.  The illustrations are all in gentle pastel colours with simple blocky colours and a very traditional feel.

I feel the story is a little slow to get going; the first third of the book is largely conversation between Nora, her mother, father and sister.  But then the story takes a magical, inspiring twist as Nora goes searching for someone who can help her light that one more candle.

And, as I said, I find the end of the book to be emotional and comforting - it is a beautiful ending to a very tenderly told story.  I would recommend this book for girls and boys from about age 3 upwards and would be particularly good for reading to siblings.

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