Mellow Mummy: SillyBillyz Painting Aprons Review : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 18 September 2014

SillyBillyz Painting Aprons Review

BPM Childcare contacted me to see if we could put their Sillybillyz painting aprons to the test - I can't think of two better little girls to test them out than Holly and Lara who spend almost every moment of their spare time at the weekend either helping me out in the kitchen, or creating artistic, crafty creations in the dining room.

These SillyBillyz aprons come in two different styles - long-sleeved or no-sleeves - and the girls tried both of them.  For us, a long-sleeved apron is most appropriate when painting (painting always means chaos in the Mellow household) but a sleeveless apron works better in the kitchen, and when doing craft activities which require a lot of careful attention to detail.

I love the flexibility of the Sillybillyz aprons.  The fabric is water proof and provides excellent protection from paint and cookery ingredients and yet it isn't as thick and unwealdy as most painting tabbards.

Both styles of apron fasten closed behind the neck with a velcro-style fastening which I have found to hold closed very well.  Holly and Lara both need my help in order to undo them.. this is a good thing because it means I don't leave the room for two minutes only to find them sitting painting with their aprons hung up over the side of their chair!

The flexibility of the fabric means that the girls are happy and comfortable to wear their aprons even when cooking so they've been wearing them pretty much all weekend.  I was specifically asked to give my feedback on the sizing of the aprons.  Holly is now 28 months old and is wearing the 0-3 years apron which is a perfect size for her.  Lara is wearing the age 3+ apron which is stated as being suitable upto 5 years old; as a tall 5 year old I was expecting it to be a bit snug but it fits her perfectly (mind you, now I'm looking at these photos, it looks like the sleeves are a little short... much like most of her other clothes).

The Sillybillyz painting aprons are machine washable but so far I haven't needed to put them through the wash as I've been able to wipe all the chocolate and curry powder and chalk from them with a cloth.

Sillybillyz painting aprons cost from £9.95 to £13.95 from BPM Childcare and I think they are brilliant quality.  Right now, I can't see us using any other apron in our house!
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