Mellow Mummy: Kettler Scooter Review : Taking life as it comes...

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Kettler Scooter Review

Holly has been absolutely desperate to get a scooter so that she can play like her big sister but I was a little retiscent given that she is not yet two years old. Then this beautiful, chunky Kettler Scooter came into our lives!

The Kettler Scooter is really nice and tactile. I think it is perfect for a younger child because the footplate is a nice size for them to practice balancing on it and because the wheels and handlebars are nice and chunky. Holly finds it easy to grip and it is able to withstand the slightly chaotic careless attentions of a toddler! The Kettler scooter is recommended for children aged 2-4 (from approximately 90-110cm tall) but Lara is quite a lot taller than this and I still think it is a good size for her, with the handlebars at their highest setting even though she is approaching 5 years old.

The scooter was easy to assemble (once I had managed to identify a suitable tool from our rather jumbled stash in the garage) and I quite liked the fact that the bolts were hidden away with a little plastic cover to hide them from tiny fingers. The front casing (over the bolts) has a little reflective piece on it which glints in the sunshine and may help in the evening light to ensure your child gets seen. The handlebar can be quickly adjusted (to suit children of different ages who want to play with it in quick succession) using the groovy little knob at the front.

The steering on the Kettler scooter is a little rough but I'm not sure how much a two year old really needs to be able to fine-tune their steering! It is fine, just not as fluid and responsive as Lara's big-girl scooter and I think this is to do with the size and chunkiness of the Kettler scooter so I'm happy to trade in speed and responsiveness in return for quality. And this really is a quality item. Lara has owned a Kettler balance bike for a few years now and we have been endlessly impressed by the quality. Until now, we had't known that Kettler also made scooters and we haven't been disappointed - Kettler clearly know how to make lasting outdoor vehicles to withstand day to day use from young children.

The Kettler scooter is available in both pink and bright blue and costs around £45. It comes with a 3 year warranty.
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