Mellow Mummy: #StreamTeam - The Fear of Missing Out : Taking life as it comes...

Thursday 16 October 2014

#StreamTeam - The Fear of Missing Out

#FoMo - the fear of missing out.  I can't say that I normally suffer from it but I had noticed that, over the years I was definitely missing out on something when it came to Breaking Bad.  When we first got our Netflix subscription this summer (after I had got the 'watch-every-movie-you've-ever-worshipped' thing out of my system) the first thing I looked up was Breaking Bad.  Surely 90% of my Facebook friends couldn't be wrong, could they?

After the first episode, I wondered what I had let myself in for.  Slow wasn't the half of it.  I stuck with it and both myself and Mr. B. dragged ourselves through the first series, determined to stick it out.  The concept seemed good - school teacher desperate for cash, diagnosed with cancer suddenly turns drug-chef.  But the episodes seemed to drag and, I found myself losing interest and looking elsewhere.

Thankfully, my friends badgered me to keep at it and some point towards the end of series two, things picked up.  Now I've totally lost track of what series we have got up to but most nights, an episode of Breaking Bad is what's on the Netflix menu for me and Mr. B. shortly after the girls have gone to sleep.  It is our together time!!!

I have probably been watching too much Breaking Bad.  Everywhere I look, I now see bad.  Car boot open?  I think "ooh, you could squeeze a body in there".  Large blue plastic canister under the stairs at work?  I think "ooh, you could fill that full of acid and dissolve the evidence".  Too much Breaking Bad perhaps???

In the slow periods of Breaking Bad, I've taken a bit of a browse through Netflix for other drama seriesesesses (I don't know how to pluralise series) and Orange is the New Black caught my eye mainly because of the MASSIVE Netflix hype about it.  OITNB (for those people in the know) is, in my own terms, a bit like Prison Break but with lesbians.

Now this I struggle to watch with Mr. B.  It's not really his thing and I think the lesbian theme and, sometimes graphic imagery leaves him feeling uncomfortable and this, in turn makes me feel uncomfortable that he's uncomfortable.  So I tend to watch OITNB on my iPad.  It's simpler that way!  OITNB is a Netflix original series and as such, is currently only available through Netflix.  Now on series 2, this prison series has pulled some seriously big names (both actresses and actors) and, unlike Breaking Bad, I found it fast-paced and gripping right from episode one.

I'd love to know what TV seriesesesses you have REALLY enjoyed and recommend.  Or which ones do you feel that everyone else is talking about but you're missing out on?  Leave me your ideas in the comments below.
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