Mellow Mummy: #RelaxMondays - My Guide To Beating the Monday Blues : Taking life as it comes...

Monday 9 March 2015

#RelaxMondays - My Guide To Beating the Monday Blues

For many people, Monday is the most stressful day of the week.  The return to work, the drudgery of the school run and the shock of routine after the mellowness of the weekend.  I always find Monday mornings to be the ones where it is hardest to herd the entire family out of the house before 8am.  Utopia Bathrooms are collating a series of #RelaxMondays blog posts and they asked me for some tips on how I remain mellow on a Monday.  So here are my 5 steps to a more mellow Monday.

Step 1. Make the most of the weekend
If you've squeezed lots of exciting activities into your weekend, you may well feel exhausted come Monday; but, on the flip side, you'll feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you made the most of those two special days.  I always find that after a weekend where we just pootled around the house and watched television  that I'm more stressed on a Monday than when we've spent the weekend visiting people, or on days out, or busy in the garden.  Happy weekends = happy Mondays.

Step 2. Have a meal plan for the week
The full force of the week can hit on a Monday when you realise that you probably should have spent more of your weekend prepping for the week.  If you have the chance to make a plan for what the family will be eating, and when then there is one less thing to worry about on a Monday.  I always start my week with a meal plan (even if we rarely make it through on-plan to Friday!).

Step 3. Exercise
Since starting running last spring, I've found an enthusiasm and energy for the week ahead.  Planning some exercise time in your week gives you something to look forward to; exercise also releases happy chemicals from the brain which help you to de-stress.  I look forward to my evening runs alone because this gives me thinking time where I can empty my brain of the stresses of work, and preschoolers!

Skin Blossom Therapeutic Bath Soak
Bubble Baths and Running - Can't Get Better!

Step 4. Chill out in a hot, bubbly bath
Even if your Monday really has been stressful, you can unwind and let all the tension go in a warm, relaxing bubble bath.  Light a couple of scented candles, fill the bath with your favourite bubbles and close the door to the world.  Bliss.

Step 5. #EmbraceHappy
Find three happy things about your day, however stressful it may have felt.  Seeing the good in every day of the week helps me stay mellow.  Find out more about Karin's amazing mission for happiness at

Disclosure: I was sent a relaxing pamper hamper in return for my mellow tips.

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