Mellow Mummy: Bio Oil Buggython - Battersea Park 13th July : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 18 June 2011

Bio Oil Buggython - Battersea Park 13th July

On 13th July the first ever Bio-Oil Buggython will take place in Battersea Park, London to raise money for the British Skin Foundation. On the day hundreds of mums and dads will push buggies around the gentle 2.5km course all in aid of the good cause – and what’s more they will receive a goody bag worth £15 at the end of the route!

Bio-Oil is looking for mums and dads to come down to the park on Wednesday 13th July, 2011 from 10am to 12 noon and push their buggies (and babies and toddlers) to raise money. The event is a chance for parents to lend their support to a worthy cause and maybe meet some new friends along the way - it should be a really fun day! All the money raised from the event will fund vital research into children’s skin health by the British Skin Foundation.

Taking part is easy. Find out more by visiting Registration for the event includes a £10 donation to the British Skin Foundation. Everyone who takes part will leave with a goodie bag worth over £15, including a 60ml bottle of Bio-Oil.

In the coming weeks we'll be reviewing Bio-Oil on Mellow Mummy for some of it's lesser known uses. Stay tuned for more!

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