Mellow Mummy: Pregnancy Blog :: Week 37 : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 7 April 2012

Pregnancy Blog :: Week 37

37 weeks is officially term and baby, should it arrive now, would no longer be considered premature. It feels like an important milestone and perhaps now I should be rooting out things like Raspberry leaf, pineapple and hot hot curries (not that any curry I make isn't mind-blowingly hot on the normal scale of things).

Baby has slowed down a lot. I think it has more or less run out of room so any wiggling I do feel is really pronounced and can usually be seen by everyone in the room!

This weekend we are really concentrating on spending quality, fun, family time with Lara. I've taken a REALLY long weekend off work and we have already done crafting and gardening together and over the weekend we have plans for an easter egg hunt and lots of cooking together.

We haven't bought Lara an easter egg this year due to the phenomenal amounts of chocolate she has already consumed over the past week or so at nursery and as gifts. Instead, we went on the lookout for non-chocolate options. Our easter-egg hunt is going to be blueberry, raspberry and strawberry based and Lara's main pressie came from ASDA - it is a great big bag of brightly coloured ball-pool balls to turn her paddling pool into a ball pool. They are just one of the toys, homeware and DIY goodies that is on sale for less than £5 at ASDA this easter and given that I would have spent about a fiver on a nice chocolate egg for Lara, it seemed like an appropriate alternative gift.
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