Mellow Mummy: Children's Book Review :: Away in my Aeroplane : Taking life as it comes...

Saturday 2 August 2014

Children's Book Review :: Away in my Aeroplane

Away in my Aeroplane is a short, poetic picture book of a poem written by Margarent Wise Brown which has been published by Parragon Books. Last month I reviewed The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile which was also written by her and illustrated by the same Henry Fisher.

Lara, Holly and I didn't enjoy this picture book so much as we did The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile, I think because the poem was a little repetitive and the girls aren't as in to aeroplanes as they are to fish!

The story is a simple poem, in fact it is almost song-like. The pictures tell more of a story than the words - a propeller plane featuring a very smiley young man flies away over the land and the ocean through the day and the night, high and low. The story explores the ideas of looking down on the world below and wondering what people think when they look up... if they look up.

I like the illustrations which are in a very similar style to The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile and I especially like the use of perspective, looking down on the world or up into the sky.

I'm not sure that the girls will go back to read this book frequently but a little person who is into aeroplanes may enjoy it more.

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