Mellow Mummy: Inika Mineral Eye Shadow Review : Taking life as it comes...

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Inika Mineral Eye Shadow Review

My make-up drawer is in need of a bit of a revamp.  Having sensitive skin these days, I normally reserve make-up for special events (my workplace isn't a make-up sort of place!) and when I do buy new additions to my make-up stash I prefer to go for more natural options; mainly as a way of reducing the likelihood that my skin will react to them.  This month I've been trying out the Inika mineral eyeshadow from

Inika eyeshadows come in an amazing array of vibrant colours so I feel a little embarrassed that I opted for two neutral tones like this!  I chose honeycomb (the lighter one) and burnt sienna (the darker one at the right) and I would say that the images on the Mypure website are very close in colour to the eyeshadows in real life even though they don't really look anything like their names!

I love these little pots of goodness and can well imagine owning an entire drawer full of these beauties. I've always struggled to know how you're supposed to dispense a mineral eyeshadow (you need so little of it that they protect the powder with a little mesh that only allows a small amount of powder through).  I tend to tap the pot on the work surface to release a little powder through the holes and then use a soft brush to apply.

I know this isn't the greatest of photographic achievements but I think it does demonstrate how the eye colour almost disapears when applied to me - the honeycomb in particular looks almost white as you apply it but almost instantly disappears into my skin.  The burnt sienna is a little more successful and I'm sure that, combined with a couple of other colours from the Inika eye shadow range (perhaps coco motion or gold dust?) that I could build them up to make a striking neutral pallette.

My skin likes these eyeshadows - no reaction at all.  These natural Inika mineral eye shadows are made from crushed mineral pigments. Inika is certified cruelty free and one of the few certified vegan makeup brands on the market. The eyeshadow is free from talc, bismuth oxychloride, GM ingredients, parabens, preservatives and fragrances so they are suitable for sensitive skin like mine.  The eyeshadows currently cost £10.88 each at Mypure.

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